This hasn’t been true for a lot of years now. Scala also compiles to highly-performant JS — enough so that I’ve come to view JS as essentially an assembly language that you compile down to. (My own application is end-to-end Scala: servers, APIs and browser client. It’s lovely being able to stick to a single strongly-typed language, so changes just bubble all the way up the stack.) And while its native-compilation mode is still a work in progress, it’s getting there.
And while, yes, the compiler isn’t lightning-fast, it’s steadily improving. (And I doubt any language that really hits all your points is going to compile super-fast: there’s a lot to do there.)
I actually think youronly bullet point that Scala doesn’t hit is the structural/nominal one, and honestly — it’s never struck me as a serious problem in practice, and I’ve been doing Scala full-time for getting on seven years now.
So I’d recommend investigating it. While I wouldn’t call it The One True Language (I don’t think such a thing exists or is likely to), I suspect it’s the closest to your desires that is currently out there.